Pre K

Pre Kindergarten

honeycomb prek illustration
Welcome to the Pre-K our pre kindergarten class. This energy packed class focuses on play based style of learning with the holistic development through a child-centered, hands-on learning approach. Children are encouraged solve problems independently. Activities develop skills and hand control along with creativity. We nurture curiosity and a motivation to learn.


PreK Teacher

Our lead teachers have been with Lighthouse many years. They are very passionate about their jobs and loves her PreK children. They are naturally happy and energetic, character points which get passed on to the students. We make sure our teachers speak excellent clear English.

Support Staff

Every PreK class has a trained assistant teacher. They are there to help with activites and help individual students, to keep the class running smoothly and make sure each student gets good attention.

Physical Education Specialists

We have a teacher dedicated to PE (Physical Education). He energises the class with different games and challenges both outdoors and indoors. This is essential for gross motor skills, balance, fun and muscle development.

Specialist Art teachers

We have a specialist art teacher taught at Lighthouse for many years. She is very calm and always prepares great creations for every level of student.

Field Trips

We actively organise field trips during summer to places like the Phuket Aquarium. Its a great chance for the children to get outside of the school and open their minds to the many incredible places Phuket has to offer.


Range of activites to encourage a love of learning

Pre-K children usually join the class at aged 2-3 years but we do have flexibility and it does depend on ability. We make an organised yet fun, stimulating and educational environment.

“Our childrens reading ability explodes at 5 years with Jolly Phonics”

PreK classes are structured around art, music, storytelling, games and imaginative play, this encourages creative expression and imaginative thinking. We support cognitive development in areas such english language, math, and cultural ideas, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Language & literacy

We engage in storytime where the teacher reads aloud to develop listening skills, vocabulary, and a love for reading. We utilise alphabet puzzles, flashcards, and matching games to help children recognise letters. Nursery rhymes and songs play a part of lesson time to enhance phonemic awareness and language skills. We have traditional work sheets for writing practice.

Jolly Phonics

We teach phonetics, this is the way english letters actually sound inside of words. We encourage this from an early age which results in very early reading skills around the age of 5. When children can read it accelerates day to day learning and understanding of the world.



Fine and gross motor skills

Fine motor skills are developed with exercises such as making 3D paintings, sticking bits together, cutting shapes out. Everyday is unique for lighthouse children in creating new artwork and exploring the way things work. Concentration and focus become natural, so children pay attention to what they are doing. Gross motor skills develop muscles during physical activity classes, such as obstacle and competitive races. We have multiple trampolines which the children love, they are excellent for leg strength and muscle development.

Social & Emotional Development

Lighthouse has a strong emphasis on social skills and emotional intelligence. Children learn to interact respectfully with peers, resolve conflicts, and develop empathy. Rather than creating a strict forceful controlled environment.

Structured classroom environment

The structured environment of a Lighthouse classroom helps children develop a sense of order and self-discipline, which are important for personal growth and academic success. The classroom is organised and cleaned everyday. In addition the children have a cloakroom


Showers and toilets and a cloakroom to store the children’s bags.

Join a hive of fun, creativity, accelerated english learning and companionship

Join a hive of fun, creativity, accelerated english learning and companionship